Tuesday, May 27, 2014
May 27, 1913 - Tuesday
Saw Miss Johnston after supper and asked her if it was very difficult to learn to use the "Dictophone". She said not, and that if I'd come to her office after school, she'd show me how. Went home right after supper.
Monday, May 26, 2014
May 29, 1913 - Thursday
29 -Went in, after school, to Miss Johnston's and really saw her this time. She was very nice, and let me use her type-writer as well as her dictaphone.
After supper, I went into the M. parlor and read. Dan came in after awhile and sat down quite near me (as I was near the light) and read too, for several hours. By the time I got home my jaws were so stiff from the blank stare (at my book) in which I set my face, I could hardly chew. (Not that I had anything to chew)
May 28, 1913 - Wednesday
28 - After school, Mr. Morse came in and made a speech and we elected our Class Officers, so it was late when I started for the Etna Fire Ins. building to see Miss Johnston, and got into the Aetna Life instead of the Aetna Fire, but was right by a very good-looking and rather bored young man. when I got to the Aetna Fire, Miss Johnston had gone, so I went home.