100 Years Later
The Diary of Marjorie James
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
May 27, 1913 - Tuesday
Saw Miss Johnston after supper and asked her if it was very difficult to learn to use the "Dictophone". She said not, and that if I'd come to her office after school, she'd show me how. Went home right after supper.
Monday, May 26, 2014
May 29, 1913 - Thursday
29 -Went in, after school, to Miss Johnston's and really saw her this time. She was very nice, and let me use her type-writer as well as her dictaphone.
After supper, I went into the M. parlor and read. Dan came in after awhile and sat down quite near me (as I was near the light) and read too, for several hours. By the time I got home my jaws were so stiff from the blank stare (at my book) in which I set my face, I could hardly chew. (Not that I had anything to chew)
May 28, 1913 - Wednesday
28 - After school, Mr. Morse came in and made a speech and we elected our Class Officers, so it was late when I started for the Etna Fire Ins. building to see Miss Johnston, and got into the Aetna Life instead of the Aetna Fire, but was right by a very good-looking and rather bored young man. when I got to the Aetna Fire, Miss Johnston had gone, so I went home.
Friday, June 14, 2013
May 26, 1913 - Monday
Saw Mat to-night and took a walk with her. We sat on my porch for a long time afterwards. San seems to have entirely queered himself with her by a disgusting remark made in the part of his diary which she captured. I don't wonder, and you wouldn't either, dear reader, if you'd seen said remark. Ugh! The beastly little cub! I wonder, though, if Mae's disgust will prove permanent. Hope so.
May 25, 1913 - Sunday
May 24, 1913 - Saturday
Saw Harriet afterwards. She was just starting for the circus and asked me to go (more, I suspect, as the easiest and most humane way of disposing of me than for any other reason). I refused however on plea of a headache, a real one, by-the-way. Stayed after she'd gone and read awhile. Please, dear (even if uninvited) reader, don't mistake me. Harry was the soul of affability and sweetness. I guess I just think she did not hanker, like the "hart thirsteth after the water-brook", for my sweet society, because I'm getting chronically acid. I think I must be an embryo old. But nobody really does seem to "hanker" any more.
To return to more pleasant subjects, I made penuche for Mabel and, while it was cooling on the back porch, Dan, in the artless playfulness and humor of his nature, poured some medicine on it. However, it did no harm as, the candy having already hardened before Donnie's pleasant little joke, I just poured off the medicine and ran the cold water on the candy. Thus do the "best laid plans of mice and men (and playful lads) off gang aglee." Dan (for reasons best known to himself) nobly refused a share of the candy, when Mabel offered it. Went home with Mae as I'd no umbrella myself.
Friday, June 7, 2013
May 12, 1913 - Monday
Mae is obeying her dad (as, of course, is right and proper) so I did not see her to-night. Stayed with Mrs. Mahoney and read. She is an awful dear! I like her ever so much, and I think she likes me.