24 - Did not go to Mr. Logan to-day. It did seem good to have a Saturday off for a change. Saw quite a good deal of Mae to-day. Of course, I'm as completely under her spell as ever, as I might have known I would be if she bothered enough about it to get me there. I went up to her room (which, in the first place, I shouldn't have done) and she showed mea lot of Dan's diary (about kissing her and all that) which, it being incriminating evidence, she'd been brave enough to purloin. It was very melodramatic in most parts, rather pathetic in others, while parts were pretty revolting. Through the whole ran a view of laughably unconscious and artless egotism. It was a rather classy bit of literature, on the whole, and will make quite a good "Trophy of the Chase", as which, I understand, Mae means to preserve it. Went out in the yard afterwards, and sat there with Mae.
Saw Harriet afterwards. She was just starting for the circus and asked me to go (more, I suspect, as the easiest and most humane way of disposing of me than for any other reason). I refused however on plea of a headache, a real one, by-the-way. Stayed after she'd gone and read awhile. Please, dear (even if uninvited) reader, don't mistake me. Harry was the soul of affability and sweetness. I guess I just think she did not hanker, like the "hart thirsteth after the water-brook", for my sweet society, because I'm getting chronically acid. I think I must be an embryo old. But nobody really does seem to "hanker" any more.
To return to more pleasant subjects, I made penuche for Mabel and, while it was cooling on the back porch, Dan, in the artless playfulness and humor of his nature, poured some medicine on it. However, it did no harm as, the candy having already hardened before Donnie's pleasant little joke, I just poured off the medicine and ran the cold water on the candy. Thus do the "best laid plans of mice and men (and playful lads) off gang aglee." Dan (for reasons best known to himself) nobly refused a share of the candy, when Mabel offered it. Went home with Mae as I'd no umbrella myself.
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