Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30, 1912 - Saturday

30 - Was the B.P. mentioned above. Went to Art Class in the morning. Mr. Logan was very nice to me this morning and said my drawing was fine. I guess my extra early arrival put him in a good humor. Went to the doctor's (Dr. Storr) and found out that my blood percentage has increased . Shampooed my poor hair at last. Stayed over at Mrs. Mahoney's after supper and read. Came home at nine o'clock.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 29, 1912 - Friday

29 - Got to breakfast rather late. Stayed at Mrs. Mahoney's all morning and most of the afternoon and read. Went home at 3 and tried to shampoo my hair but - no hot water. Wrote this up, at a lot of "Uneedas" and let Baby (Chriss) out. I expect to be a pretty busy person to-morrow.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 1912 - Thursday

(28) - Slept till about nine o'clock. Ate a little breakfast, but not much; I'm saving up for dinner. Loafed around with Dan most of the morning and read. Went home at twelve, got dressed, and then went back to Mrs. Mahoneys. Had lots of roast duck and, when I got so I couldn't bend, I went back into the parlor and read some more. at about five we went into the pantry and hooked some cake, a turkey leg, and some bread which we toasted. We ate and ate till we looked like turkeys ourselves, I guess. I looked more like a lobster or an overripe tomato, as I got my face toasted a good deal more more evenly than I did the bread. Came home to Muz at six and we had some more turkey, some onions, and tea. Went downstairs for about an half hour after supper and played cards with the little Munroes (Ruth and Norma).

It snowed nearly all day and the ground is covered half an inch deep. I love a snowy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 27, 1912 - Wednesday

27 - Got up rather late and landed at breakfast at about 95. Wore my plaid dress and, as Dan has never seen it before, he had lots of remarks to make on te subject, and more than got even for anything I've ever said about his ties. After breakfast, I colored some of my daffydils in this book, and wrote up part of yesterday and part of to-day, so that much is done. Went home right after dinner and drew some Thanksgiving cards to send to Harriet, Milly, and Dan. Muz felt tired to-night, so she went home after supper. I feel just a little blue my self, but it will wear off, no doubt, before long.

I wish Dan would quit making would-be witty remarks at my expense. If course, I do the same to him sometimes, but goodness only knows he resents it enough when I do. I got quite a writing-up in his diary last time, so feel no compunction about resenting his remarks. They may be funny, but my sense of humor, like that of most people, is not very keen where I am concerned. May Staehlr has gone away over Thanksgiving. I'm awfully sorry, as I like her very much. I'd like her even more if Dan hadn't told her a synopsis of my dairy, but of course that's not her fault.

Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 1912 - Tuesday

26. Went to Harriet's in the morning and played with the dogs, did my lessons and devoured some of the pop-corn balls that Carl Trumbull brought up to Harriet. Mr. George spoke again in High School to-day and his speech was an entirely different one. Got all my over-vacation lessons, except my history and a few Algebra examples, done before school ended. Vacation lasts from 5 to-day till 115 monday. May Stachele has to go to school to-morrow, though, as vacation really begins from noon tomorrow and she goes in the morning. For the first time I am glad that I go in the morning afternoon.

Dan is in here interrupting my train of thought by such remarks as "it's so seldom that you have a train of thought, that it's a pity to derail it," etc. My diary was here all day but I hid it and also got Dan to promise that he wouldn't read it if he did find it. Mrs. Thompson brought back my plaid dress which she had been altering and I tried it on again. It fits pretty well now. I went to bed rather late after scrubbing my handsome (?) mug and cold-creaming it. I can't get used to the fact that I really have a vacation of several days.

November 25, 1912 - Monday

25 - Had no history to-day so did my English in my free period. Harriet did not get back from New York until after two o'clock so she missed Latin. Lucky che-ild! She invited me to supper with her. Afterwards, Milly Daniels came over and we all went up with Muz (who also came over to Harriet's) to Trinity parish-house to hear Mr. George, of the George Junior Republic, give a speech. Got home about ten.

November 24, 1912 - Sunday

24 - Stayed at Mrs. Mahoney's all morning and afternoon till 5 o'clock. May and Dan had lots of fun with my diary. I could tell May a few things about Dan's if I wanted and some spicy quotations therefrom might amuse her. He told her just about everything he'd read in mine. He pretended he wanted a drink and asked her if she didn't. When they got out to the ice water tank he let out just about everything he knew I guess, as May seemed to be exceptionally well informed when they returned. Had supper at home. It rained like fury all afternoon so I didn't go to Sunday school.

November 23, 1912 - Saturday

23 - Went to Art Class this morning and drew a head of Venus; but, when it was finished, it looked more like Medusa or one of the Furies. Mr. Logan said it did not "look finished." He is a bright man. It wasn't. Went to the Hartford with Edna and Mabel Mahoney. Mrs. Mahoney treated us to that and hot chocolate and candy. Dan went to dancing school as usual. Wonder if the P.O.'s power will revive. I shouldn't wonder. Harvard won the Yale-Harvard game, 20-0. Dan will probably rub it in to Mr. Dunbar, a Yale graduate. Vallette Wright and Eunice Davis came to see May Staehle and waited here for some time, but May did not come so they left at about 8.

November 22, 1912 - Friday

22 - We had a Harvard professor here to-day who gave us a lecture on the merits of his college. He fully persuaded me, and I shall give Harvard the preference if I ever go to college. He had the queerest way of curving his knees in, when he talked, and he was bald except for a solitary little horn of brown hair. Also, what he lacked in chin, he more than made up in nose. However, he was a true genius. He found several things to say in favor of Harvard. We had an algebra test to-day. I have probably got it all wrong as I don't know how to reduce the examples to lowest terms.

November 21, 1912 - Thursday

21 - Went to Harriet's for lunch. She is going to get out of school early and go to New York. Got a good mark in history to-day. Shall sit in the seat that Hasty so cruelly despoiled me of, while Harriet is gone as it was because we wrote notes that Hasty moved me. When I got to supper, Dan was engaged in the great National pastime of tease the Mabel. He seemed to be winning.

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 1912 - Tuesday

19. Haven't had time to write up in an age. Neither have I had material. Am pretty much all right again and am still enjoying (?) the happy "school days" that, as everyone will tell you, come but once in our lives. Alas! and we can't ever have them again (Boo hoo) and we'd give ten years of our life to be a school-girl once more, with naught to worry or trouble us, etc., etc. It's my opinion that anyone that thinks they'd like the care-free (?), happy (??), irresponsible (???) life of them's 'ittle bygone school days had better try the Hartford High. They will never say it again. But, enough! Me mighty brain, though showing the strain, still holds traces of other thoughts. I had lunch at Harriet's today. Am taking iron pills to give me more blood. Blood! I will have blood! Muz generally meets me half-way to school and pops an iron pill into my mouth. Dan has had a crush on a girl who is, according to him "a pink fairy". It took a rather violent form but was very short. I think he's getting stuck on May S. but am not sure. If he does it will probably be a long one as she is not flashy, but just quiet and ladylike. I am not aiming digs at the P.F! (Dan says not it stands for "poor fool") in these words. As far as I can gather she was not flashy. She was (and probably is) the original human ice burg.

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 1912 - Tuesday

6-12. Wilson was elected President and a parade paraded with red lights and noise. I stayed in bed from Wednesday, just after school till Friday noon. I got up Friday and went to school, got a sick-pass and came out again. I did not go to Art class on Saturday either but Muz telephoned to Mr. Logan so it's all right. Went to Sunday school, Went to school Monday and Tuesday but feel wobbly and am tired telling everyone so in answer to inquiries after my health.

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5, 1912 - Tuesday

1-5. Nothing much doing. My Algebra is being hoisted up more or less (principally the latter). A fat boy sat on Dan's foot suddenly and violently and Dan is in consequence an I.I. (Interesting Invalid, Ignorant Imbecile, or Illiterate Ignoramus). Went to Donald's house to get "Two Little Savages" for Dan who wanted to write a theme based on some information contained therein. Of course, Donald is always absent at that time of the day but Mrs. P. wasn't there either so Dan did not get it till the evening. (Nov. 4) Donald brought it to him, as he (Dan) told me afterward. Harriet and I walk home with the Latin teacher, Miss Berry, almost every night lately and get lots of pointers on the daily life and habits of the teacher when that beast is in captivity. Miss Berry has all sorts of linguistic accomplishments as well as a pronounced sense of humor. As to the latter, my attempts at Latin would develop a sense of humor in the most seriously inclined. Had dinner at Harriet's Nov. 4. They were entertaining twelve little deaf and dumb children and I helped them. Harriet had out a toy theatre that she'd had when she was a youngster and we gave a play in it with some little pasteboard figures. Have had indigestion since Sunday night.