Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Monday, November 26, 2012

November 24, 1912 - Sunday

24 - Stayed at Mrs. Mahoney's all morning and afternoon till 5 o'clock. May and Dan had lots of fun with my diary. I could tell May a few things about Dan's if I wanted and some spicy quotations therefrom might amuse her. He told her just about everything he'd read in mine. He pretended he wanted a drink and asked her if she didn't. When they got out to the ice water tank he let out just about everything he knew I guess, as May seemed to be exceptionally well informed when they returned. Had supper at home. It rained like fury all afternoon so I didn't go to Sunday school.

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