Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 23, 1913 - Sunday

23 - Stayed at Mahoney's part of A.M., and at Mae's, half. Went to S.S. (Sunday School) in P.M. Told Miss Down I had an important engagement, so wanted to go at 330. She acquiesced rather doubtfully, and I went to Asylum Ave. and up by the Cathedral. Met Mae coming out of her house and we went to Mahoney's together. Dan was not in, having gone, as Mae told me, to Don's. I hope he did not see me going past Don's house, or he might find food for some teasing, although I just passed quickly through to F. Ave. without more than a look at the Pit. house. Mae and I stayed at Mahoney's about half-an-hour, then I went home. Muz rode up on the car with Don the other day and she says he looks fierce! I wonder, if I saw him again (I haven't for more than three and a half mo.) would I lose my crush on him? (as "Pam" did, in "Pam Decides") Very "morantic", but I've seen Don when there were much better looking boys around, and my ardor has anything but abated; so I guess it's no use trying to shake the crush. Besides, it's rather interesting and gives me food for thought, so I'm not so sure I want to!

Dan acted eccentric, to say the least, tonight. He came in to supper while I was there, replied to my remarks with curt monosyllables ,and finally sprang up from the table and went into the parlor. When I finished supper, I went in and, as he was playing "Goodbye to Summer," I came in without attracting his attention, and sat down. He was breathing so deeply that it sound like sobbing and that, coupled with the facts that he was playing"Goodbye to Summer" and that he heard not long ago that "Clara" was ill leads me to think she must be worse. He finished playing, and, seeing me, asked abruptly how I "Got here". Stifling a desire to tell him I oozed up between the boards of the floor, I said I came in from supper. He then clumped out of the room. Went home with Muz about 5 minutes later, as I hope I know how to take a hint that is literally a kick. Played with Ruth and Norma awhile, till 830, in fact.

P.S. I found out at supper, by no questions, either that Dan did see me cut through by the Cathedral. So much for luck!

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