Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 1913 - Tuesday

11 - Took aforesaid test and passed. Can't find my rubbers and have a cold. An uncomfy, but not unusual combination. Stayed at Mahoney's after supper but Mae was grouchy and went home. Not so Daniel. He was once again indecorous, though this time I did not invite it in the least. I wish he wouldn't unless I do seem to invite it, but he pays no attention when I ask him not to, probably thinks it maidenly coyness.  I rather feel, though I suppose it's silly and all that, as if I ought to save any privileges of that kind for a boy I'll really love, as if I'd be sorry if I didn't. But I guess I'll try to chuck all that rot.

Dan wants said privileges (though he's to smitten at present) and Don, wo whom I'd be willing to give them freely, doesn't. So why worry? Only I guess I'll save them (the S.P.s) for a possible ideal, and not chuck them away for a boy I care absolutely nothing about. I almost think there's more in having a really good "Dream Man" than 20 good-enough-but-not-quite-my-ideal beans. Not that I have one however, let alone twenty. Went home at ten. I suppose anyone reading that would think that I really liked Dan's actions. Well, a girl learns to take substitutes when she can't get just what she wants, and to make the best of them. I used to dream of having a boy really in love with me, as Dan was last summer, but now I know that any boy won't do. It's got to be the one. Yes, Therese, I do think I've spun enough drivel for one evening, so I guess I'll go to bed.

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