Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

September 22, 1912 - Sunday

22. Brought "Jimmy" some coffee for breakfast this morning as she did not wake till 1030. Brought this book to Mrs. Mahoney's and wrote it up under difficulties. Dan saw some of it but not the best part. We (Muz, Jimmy and I) went to the Cooks' for dinner and for a lovely auto-ride afterwards. Telephoned to Don (or tried to) before I went to supper but evidently he and his mother were at church as, according to central, "They didn't (or rather "don't") answer."

By the way, I met Mrs. Sage to-day and I must go to see her and "Blink". He (Blink) is the dearest kiddie! Robert is his real name but I used to call him Bob, then Bobolink and then shortened that to Blink. He is about six years old.

OCT. 24, 1912.

Did my homework at Mrs. Mahoney's to-night.

It is clear that the pasted note was added some time after this page was written. The date is from the next month and if you look closely at the top, you can see that the next line had writing.

I will try my best to see under the paper, but I do not wish to damage the diary by attempting to remove it. Seeing through the page in strong sunlight allows me to only read a bit - "In the" so far! But reading cursive backwards, through text and a 'forward page' of cursive has thus far been too much for me.

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