Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

March 23, 1913 - Sunday

"Got this from Dan. Easter, 1913."

23 - Stayed at the H. of M. all A.M. and at 12.30 went home to dress. Brought Muz some of our sea foam. Mae and Dan came home with me and Mae came up while Dan waited below for me to dress. I said I'd be down in 5 min. and Dan wanted to know if that meant my 5 minutes or the clock's. I guess it was mine, as it turned out to be 25 and Dan left, leaving a note to say he must do his practicing. Impart it to the diminutive denizens of the deep, Daniel.

Went to S.S. We went up to the church and Miss Downs got me to tote the banner but I failed to bit on the job of carrying our class offering up to the alar. I did that cute little stunt last Easter and am so near-sighted that I couldn't find my class again, though Miss Downs was wildly bechoning. My, I was fussed; so I let Lillie do it this time. Service was fine and there were lots of lilies & such-like that smell dandy.


Went to Mahoney's after and found Mae but not Dan there. Relations are strained, as Mae won't let Daniel kiss her any more. Dan came back and I hid behind Mae's chair and then bobbed up at him. He went for me, and in speedily rising, I unhinged the shutters which came clattering down about my devoted ben at the same time that Mae's chair flopped gracefully into my lap, Mae and all. It was an immense leather affair, too, and no feather weight. We made so much noise that Mrs. M. came forth and ordered me off. Saw the Yip tribe (the Y.P.s_ this evening. Mr. A. is Y.A.P. or Yap (Young American Presumptuous) and Mr. L. is Yep (Young English Presumptuous) between Mae and me. Yep was awfully entertaining and Yap was, too, but he entertained Miss Johnston in whom we have a hated rival. Anyway, they both were lovely. They played cards and piano, sang, and talked until 7.45 and there withdrew. Mae and I think Dan is getting too cocky so are uniting in squelching him; so we went when the Yip Tribe did. Dan trotted after us and told us we'd forgotten something - him, n such a confident way that we hated to do it, but we did say we were just going to Mae's. We went for a walk instead. Mae came home with me and stayed awhile, after.

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