Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13, 1912 - Tuesday

13. Did not see Dan either at breakfast or lunch. After lunch I looked for N*****'s two kittens and found them - in the coal bin. They were beauties. We are going to name them Cupid and Psyche. Later, I took a bath and then sallied forth to purchase paper for my diary. Got it at 5th store I tried! I called at the office, had Mr. Herman cut the paper ('twas too big) and walked home with Muz. I took my diary and drawing things to Mahoney's and drew. Donald was there but I did not go in to see him and he did not come in to me. Dan went to Don's house and I walked up there later but did not go to the house. I guess no one was there anyway as I met Donald on my way home. I did not stay talking long, though, with him. Dan was home when I got back but he had to go to bed so I came home (to No. 3) alone. Found Muz and Mr. C. in the midst of a clam orgy and joined.

We have tried not to edit anything out of the diary - up until this point. Marjorie was a product of her time, and thankfully things have changed a great deal in a hundred years. While she may have innocently written a word commonly used in her time, it is not an appropriate word to use today and we do not wish to condone it in any way.

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