Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Friday, August 24, 2012

August 24, 1912 - Saturday

24. Went to Bulah both Am. and P.M. Took a bath and went in the sun with Chriss and read. Dan went to Don's in the evening. Seems to me that, for a boy who is so fond of adoring me to "Let his lordship come to us if he wants to " that he goes to "his Lordship's" house rather often but I suppose it's none of my business. I went to B's. again but did not stay long as she was out. Howard D. is home and brought some poor little squirrels he had shot. Took a very short walk.

All that I want

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