Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30, 1913 - Thursday

30 - Went to Morse's this morning, but felt like sin this afternoon so played the great National game of Hookey. Kept up appearances, however, as far as the Mahoney's are concerned by going off in the direction of school at one o'clock. As the d. of s. is also the direction of No. 3., I just happened to stop off there, and did not go any further on my way to the Temple of Learning.

(Later) Muz was on her way to lunch when of course Ruth had to run after her and tell her I'd stayed out of school. Muz came back & made me get to bed but I felt pretty down-and-out anyhow so I was nothing loath to retire, as the novelists say. I've been thinking, which unusual course of action has given me a rush of common sense to the brain. Of course I was a fool not to have seen that, if Dan dared Don, it would look as if I were in the scheme. Don might take the dare but he'd never think much of me for letting him. y only course would be to make my self so thoroughly unpleasant if he did, that he'd see I had self respect, if not a good disposition. No, I guess I'd rather not have it at all, if it were not sincere. However, I guess that there's no need for a decision on my part, as Dan just said that to fool me, or, rather, tease me.

Stayed at Mahoney's till nine. Dan went to all the trouble of turning out the gas, and then didn't dare take my stump about Mae. There are nuts & nuts!

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