Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 9, 1913 - Thursday

(9) - Muz's birthday is to-day. We have stopped our meals at Mahoney's &, from now on, take our breakfasts and dinners at home. Muz gets her lunches down town and I mine with Mrs. Monroe. Stayed with Dan and Mae last evening. Dan was cross about something. He certainly has queer moods. I seem to "get his goat" a lot.

I have the most awful time keeping my pencils at school. The Junior who shares my desk with me persists in carrying off every pencil on the place, mine included. I am going to take a bright pink one to school this time that she can't mistake for her yellow ones. To make sure, however, I have shaved off a strip at the end and marked on the wood "exclusively mine."

She might as well
take my goat too.
Talk about goat-

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