Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11, 1912 - Thursday

11 Got this letter from Donald at 11 o’clock last night. Miss Raymond brought it up. I knew he would write. I told you so. The picture postal came with it but the plain one is just there for convenience. It was the first I ever got from him. I’ll answer his letter to-day. Took a quilt and a sofa cushion out on the roof last night and went to sleep there with a rope tied round my waist so I couldn’t fall off in my sleep but Muz woke up about eleven and missed me. She looked out there and saw me and I had to come in. It was then that I got Don’s letter. His end of the W. S. is going up again. I am going to the office as soon as Muz telephones me to. Perhaps I’d bettter get up now as it is 8:45. (later) Got to breakfast just about in time to get some. Went to the tailor’s and had my two new dresses shortened. They will probably be ready to night. Answered Don’s letter. Tried not to appear jealous of R. M. but I’m afraid I was not so hearty as I might have been. I’m not so sure that I am jealous but I feel a little bit that way. Am at the office now. What a little fool I am! I’m sure (or almost sure) that D. likes me as well as he does R. M. or how could he have torn himself away from her society just to write to me, and so soon after he got there too? P. S. Mrs. M got a letter from Dan some time ago in which she says he sends his love to me. Probably a slight (?) exaggeration. (Later still) Went to tailor’s and got my dresses about 5 P.M.  and returned to Mahoney’s just in time to see Dan who has returned (Ding it! I’ve got that word on the brain) from his vacation looking as if he’d been boiled as he probably has. Sat on the front steps with him for a while but he had to go on an errand for his ma. He’d no sooner gone than Harry atkins arrived. I was never more surprised in my life. Spent evening at her apartment and played “Artists” (about fifty games).


(enclosed in envelope)
The Maples
Enfield, Mass
July 9-10

Dear Marg: -
                Having duly arrived and taken a general survey of the scenery etc., I beg to enclose my humble opinion concerning said scenery etc.
                Across the road I behold a brand new tennis court occupied at present by the queenly young lady named Ruth Merrow. Perhaps you remember beholding a likeness to the queenly phiz in my 19” diary. Well anyway she’s here-prettier than ever! Guess I’ll stay my whole week (this sentence is not supposed to bear any relation to the preceding one) and come home Sunday night. All the fellows I knew here last year, are here now and I expect to have a great old time in spite of my boiled head, which by the way has improved considerably during the journey up. Did not grace Enfield with my perfectly good bike which is reposing on its side in the back yard of 821 Asylum Ave. Bought a camera this afternoon before I left and I hope to get some good pictures of Enfield. I would greatly appreciate the latest stock quotations. Don’t eat too much! Whatever you do don’t eat too much!!  That particular sin is a sacred performance upon which I have a patent.


(also enclosed in envelope)

Carbonated Drinks
French Dressing
Meat at breakfast
Welsh Rarebits

(enclosed in second envelope)

The Maples
Enfield, Mass
Thursday P.M.

Dear Marg: -
                Was glad to get the letter from you this evening and I would be gladder yet to get another before I return. You write good letters. I can’t say that you are very explicit in giving me the quotations but I am glad to know that I am in with the rest of the live stock. Great Caesar’s ghost! I wish that girl would play a new tune. Honest, she plays one song even more than I do. However, she’s got indigo eyes and wears lavender dresses and hair ribbons. Speaking of hair ribbons how’s the little pink fairy? Come to think of it I haven’t seen her for almost a month!! Say you know that blooming piano across the road has got my rag out a yard and I can’t concentrate my shattered thoughts sufficiently to complete any single line of thought. Sounds as if I were writing poetry, doesn’t it? Really I think I’d make a perfectly good poet. My hair has grown yards since I’ve been here. Hanged if those boobs aren’t singing now!!! It’s really impossible for me to write. Please write to me again before Saturday?? Hope your new diet agrees with you – Very sincerely

I use undoubtedly the finest envelopes you ever saw! Haven’t taken pictures yet of the queens. Hope to be allowed to take yours when I return?


  1. So, Ruth Merrow is another girl Don met?

  2. How perfectly normal to decide to sleep on the roof - as long as a rope is tied around her, it's OK, right? I can so see her doing this.
