Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 1912 - Tuesday

16 Got this special delivery letter from Don at breakfast. enclosed was a stamped and addressed envelope to answer with. I said "yes" (and then some) Mailed answer at 11 A.M. but found later that he did not get it till 5 P.M. Glad he was not cross.. Went down-town with Muz. Got a dandy white skirt with a pocket, some "sneakers", a pair of ties, etc.

(enclosed in envelope)

Aetna Ins. Co.
7:15 Tues A.M.
 Dear Marg:
   Excuse haste but have only 3 minutes. When you telephoned last night I had already read up to where my 2nd letter was pasted in. I thought it fair to you to tell this. I could not explain then as there were people sitting beside me. I have read just enough so I absolutely must see the rest - please?? Your illustrations are fine!!! The whole thing is just great! I think you have a wonderful imagination and a very original way of expressing your thoughts. Say you know I'm terribly in love with your imagination! Do you blame me? Don't worry about my having read what I have. You know I keep my (?) counsel. I enjoyed it very much and am eagerly awaiting your permission to finish it (Can't spell it - haven't time) If you will answer this in enclosed envelope this A.M. it will be appreciated. Excuse these terrible hen tracks.


P.S. I would get answer about 3 hrs after mailed it before 11 A.M.

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