Our great-grandmother was an amazing woman. And here, one hundred years later, we have her diary.
Take a trip to the past through the eyes of a teen-age girl, and marvel at how the world has changed -
and the many ways it has not.

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 31, 1912 - Wednesday

31. Muz and I dressed in our bathing suits and sweaters and after breakfast we went down to the pier to wait for Mr. Culver. He did not get there till 11 as he was in a sail-boat and there was not much wind. We got in and started. After we’d been going for some time we began to eat clams. I did not eat many but Muz won’t be able to look a clam in the face for a month without blushing. We had a dandy sail with lots of good eats and visited a light house out in the bay. It was a dandy. We went all over it from top to bottom. We did have a time and a half getting up the iron ladder (which had no handrails) especially Muz.

We did not go in swimming until we got back to the beach and then only I went. Got a letter (quite a witty one) from Dan in answer to my postal. Don has not answered his yet. It really would not compromise him at all to do so but Don always was a cautious youth. Still he may not have got it yet. I’ll wait and see.

Had a peachy time, take it all together, to-day.

The Light-House we visited

South West Ledge Light is now known as the New London Ledge Lighthouse.

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